Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Performing the HP ILO 4 Firmware upgrade via command line

Performing the HP ILO 4 Firmware upgrade via command line

The most popular way to update HP ILO firmware is using the web-interface, but in our case we are going to use the command line. ILO can be updated either directly using bin file or you can use rpm/CPxxxx.scexe file to update the ILO firmware.

The server we are using is HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8 server with ILO 4 with current firmware 1.13.
I have already downloaded the firmware for ILO 4 (CP032487.scexe).
Copy the downloaded firmware from your desktop to the server
Server Name : myhpserver
ILO Name: myhpserver-ilo
Current ILO version : 1.13
Latest ILO version : 2.55

[root@Jumphost]$ssh administrator@myhpserver-ilo

Warning: Permanently added 'myhpserver-ilo,1xx.2xx.1xx.xx1' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
administrator@myhpserver-ilo's password:
User:administrator logged-in to myhpserver(1xx.2xx.1xx.xx1)

iLO Advanced 1.13 at Aug 2012
Server Name: xxxxxx-369B28G
Server Power: On


As soon as you login into server you will see the version of ILO, the current version of ILO is shown 1.13 Either bin/rpm/CPxxxx.scexe file can be used to udpate the ILO.

If you are using the bin file you are directly load file on ILO and then reset the ILO.

CASE 1: Below mentioned steps can be referred in case of bin file. 

Place the file on your FTP server under /images/fw and load firmware directly on ILO
</>hpiLO->load /map1/firmware1 -source

Once you have loaded the firmware you need to reset the ILO.
</>hpiLO-> cd /map1
</map1>hpiLO-> reset

CASE 2: Below mentioned steps can be used in case if you have rpm/CPxxxx.scexe file
Copy the rpm/CPxxxx.scexe file to myhepserver.
Here I have already copied file to myhpserver, the server whose ILO needs to be updated.

In case if you are using rpm, then install the rpm
root@myhpserver#rpm -ivh          hp-firmware-ilo4-2.55-1.1.i386.rpm

After installation of rpm list the CPxxxx.scexe file using #rpm -ql command
root@myhpserver#rpm -ql hp-firmware-ilo4-2.44-1.1.i386

If you have directly downloaded the CPxxxx.scexe file, then make sure you change the permission of the CPxxxx.scexe file to 7555 and then you run CPxxxx.scexe
Once you have ran the CPxxxx.scexe file then login into ILO  reset the ILO.

</>hpiLO-> cd /map1
</map1>hpiLO-> reset

As soon you can login into the ILO after ILO reset you you can see the new version of ILO 4

[root@Jumphost]$ssh administrator@myhpserver-ilo
Warning: Permanently added 'myhpserver-ilo,1xx.2xx.1xx.xx1' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
administrator@myhpserver-ilo's password:
User:administrator logged-in to myhpserver(1xx.2xx.1xx.xx1)

iLO Advanced 2.55  at  Aug 16 2017
Server Name: xxxxxx-3xxxx8G
Server Power: On

Here the ILO 4 is updated to 2.55 from 1.13

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Removing of LUNs from VxVM in Solaris

While removing the LUNs from Solaris you might need to unmap the LUNs from the OS level.
The clean up steps are as follows. In this we are going to consider the LUN id c2t500604844A375F48d101s2

c2t500604844A375F48d101s2 => c2 is controller t500604844A375F48 and d101 is the disk

The format output of the Solaris command is not showing the drive since the LUN is already removed from the storage side. Also the Vxdmp for the LUN is present.

# format
Searching for disks...done
     255. c2t500604844A375F48d101s2 <drive not available>

#devfsadm -Cv

#vxdisk rm c2t500604844A375F48d101s2

Removing the LUNs path from Veritas Dynamic Path control 

# vxdmpadm getsubpaths
# vxdmpadm exclude vxvm dmpnodename=c2t500604844A375F48d101s2
# vxdmpadm exclude vxdmp dmpnodename=c2t500604844A375F48d101s2

Offline the LUN from OS level. 
# luxadm -e offline /dev/rdsk/c2t500604844A375F48d101s2

While performing the offline you might face the error shown below

# luxadm -e offline /dev/rdsk/c4t5006016C0864165Ad12s2
devctl: I/O error

If you encounter the error shown then confirm that VxVM does not have a Veritas disk access name (DA) for the removed LUN.

#vxdisk list
emc_clariion0_769 auto            -            -            nolabel
emc_clariion0_769 auto            -            -            error

Remove the disk from the VxVM as shown below.
#vxdisk rm emc_clariion0_769

Once you have removed the disk as shown once agian fire the command # luxadm -e offline /dev/rdsk/c4t5006016C0864165Ad12s2
Once the LUN in put in offline state it will be moved into unusable state.

# cfgadm -al -o show_SCSI_LUN | grep -i unusable
You will be able to see LUN in unusable state.

Using cfgadm unconfigure the unusable LUN of given controller.
# cfgadm -c unconfigure -o unusable_SCSI_LUN c2::500604844a375f48

# devfsadm -Cv

Check if the LUN is present in #format command output also verify the #vxdisk -eo alldgs output.

Veritas Links used for reference.

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